We partnered with Moment.io, an app that help people track their screen time, to ask people how much time in apps left them feeling happy, and how much time left them in regret.
The rankings below reflect data collected from a pool of 200,000 iPhone users.
Given how many new technologies and apps are constantly emerging, our Digital Well-Being Guidelines can help you with a more generalizable, principles-based approach.

Our feelings about apps correlate highly with how much time we spend…
On average, comparing between “Happy” and “Unhappy” amounts of usage of the same apps, their unhappy amount of time is 2.4x the amount of happy time.
- Happy 22 mins per day on Facebook vs. ☹️ 59 mins.
- Happy 12 mins per day on CandyCrush instead of ☹️ 47 mins.
- Happy 29 mins per day on Reddit instead of ☹️ 57 mins.
- Happy 26 mins per day on Instagram instead of ☹️ 54 mins.

While this sample has a selection bias of those who care to install an app for this sort of thing, think for a moment about your own usage. Does this apply to you?